
Make the world better

International Research Institute of Applied Positive Psychology

Empowering Lives Through Science and Technology

Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.

Our Mission and Role

Welcome to the International Research Institute of Applied Positive Psychology, a beacon of hope and transformation where the synergy of human insight and artificial intelligence converge to foster well-being and personal growth. We are dedicated to the practical application of positive psychology, providing individuals and organizations with the tools and knowledge to thrive.

What we offer

Global Youth Well-Being Initiative (GYWI)
Global Youth Well-Being Initiative (GYWI)
AI Companion Coach
AI Companion Coach
Diploma Programm
Diploma Programm

Connect Collaborate Create Impact

Global Youth Well-Being Initiative (GYWI)

In this rapidly changing era, the mental health and well-being of adolescents have become a global focus. To better respond to this challenge, the International Institute for Applied Positive Psychology has launched the Global Youth Well-Being Initiative (GYWI) and specifically introduced the innovative AI Youth Companion Coach to provide more personalized and sustainable support for youth worldwide.

Innovative Intuitive Inspirational

Lectus a sagittis malesuada posuere tristique viverra.

Snowball 1.0 AI Companion Coach

Snowball 1.0, our groundbreaking AI Coach, is the culmination of advanced AI technology tailored to the principles of positive psychology. It’s more than just a program; it’s a journey towards self-improvement

Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.

Cultivate Positivity Nurture Growth

Diploma Programm

Our Positive Diploma is a comprehensive program designed for those who seek to unlock the secrets of a fulfilling and happy life. With a curriculum grounded in the latest research in positive psychology

Diploma of Positive Psychology Application

Positive Psychology Application Consular Certificate

Contact us

If you are interested in our service or research programm, please fill the form

Our Commitment

Ready to embark on a transformative journey?

Explore our Positive Diploma and meet Snowball 1.0 – your companions towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Join us at the forefront of applied positive psychology. Together, let’s unleash the potential within each of us and create a snowball effect of positivity around the globe.